- oura智能戒指采用先进的睡眠监测技术,可监测每个睡眠阶段,而motiv戒指不提供此技术。
- oura戒指的电池寿命比motiv戒指更长,并且具有更多的数据存储空间。
- oura戒指与motiv戒指相比具有更高级的功能。
oura戒指vs. motiv戒指:对比
oura戒指 | motiv戒指 | |
是什么? | oura戒指是一种智能戒指设备,具有先进技术,可以准确跟踪睡眠和其他活动。 | motiv戒指是一种智能戒指设备,可以跟踪活动和睡眠。它还具有使其更加有趣的安全功能。 |
兼容性 | ios + android | ios+ android |
价格 | $299-$999每月$5.99订阅费用 | $199.99 |
电池寿命 | 7天 | 72小时 |
充电时间 | 20-80分钟 | 90分钟 |
数据存储 | 长达六周 | 长达两天 |
传感器类型 | 3d加速度计,专有脉搏波形,红外ppg传感器脉搏幅度变化检测,体温传感器,陀螺仪 | 智能led传感器,3轴加速度计,光学心率传感器 |
测量项目 | 睡眠,心率,体温,血容量,活动,恢复优化和静止状态。 | 睡眠,心率,体温,血容量和活动。 |
戒指尺寸 | 8 | 7 |
保修 | 两年 | 一年 |
- 首先使用尺寸套装找到合适的尺寸;选择尺寸/颜色后发送戒指,包括运费
- 24/7健身追踪器:步数和距离,心率,活动,消耗的卡路里,睡眠监测
- 防水耐用;超轻钛材质;3天电池寿命;90分钟充电
- 使用两步验证为您的账户提供在线安全
- 免费头等舱运送;1年保修
oura戒指vs. motiv戒指:有何区别?
1. 设计和价格
the motiv ring is made from titanium and doesn’t contain nickel. it has only one simple and sporting design. you can choose your ring from three color options: silver, black, or rose gold. all options cost $199. this is a one-time payment; you won’t have to pay for any subscription monthly.
meanwhile, the oura ring is made from titanium and a medical-grade plastic inner side. it comes with two designs and four colors/variants to choose from.
the cost of the ring depends on the color/variant you choose. the silver and black colors cost about $299. the diamond-studded silver option costs about $999. if you prefer “stealth” or warm colors, you’ll pay about $399 for it.
the motiv ring’s data storage is 72 hours.
also, to get the most from this ring, you should pay a $5.99 subscription fee monthly. this subscription will make the ring feel fully functional and will give you more options that wouldn’t be available otherwise.
the motiv ring is waterproof at a distance of up to 165 feet or 50 meters. so you can go for a swim, take a bath, or wash dishes with it. on the other hand, the oura ring is waterproof up to 330 feet or 100 meters.
you can use the motiv ring for 72 hours and fully charge it in about 90 minutes. the ring’s data storage is about 72 hours.
while the oura ring has a battery lifespan of 7 days, and it takes about 20-80 minutes to charge fully. the onboarding memory of the oura ring can store data for up to six weeks.
2. sizing
the motiv ring is available in sizes 6-12, while the oura ring comes in sizes 6-13. both companies stated that the ring sizes are not very standard. however, motiv rings seem more accurate to standard ring sizes, according to some reviewers.
3. functionalities
motiv ring is a smart ring that monitors daily activities and tracks your sleep. you can access all the metric information about your sleep, heart rate, etc., via the motiv app, which is available on android and ios devices.
it features online security, which uses a pre-set hand gesture to give a layer of security over your online identity through two-factor authentication. you can access all your online accounts when your motiv ring is on your finger.
it also features biometric data for facial recognition and fingerprint scanning, which are available only on ios devices with face id, and touch id.
if you have difficulties remembering passwords, motiv ring supports webauthn, which allows you to make passwordless logins on your online accounts. it is supported on web browsers such as apple safari, google chrome, mozilla, etc.
oura ring features advanced sleep tracking technology, which tracks every sleep stage daily with weekly and monthly averages. the oura app, available on android and ios, can access important information regarding activity, sleep, and readiness.
this app will give you personalized recommendations according to their personal data to help you solve any sleep, activity, or readiness problem. besides sleep, the oura ring tracks body temperature, heart rate, respiratory rate, and many others.
4. measures
the oura and motiv rings have some differences when it comes to measurements of heart rate, activity, and sleep. take a look below!
1. heart rate track
motiv戒指可以追踪静息心率,而oura戒指可以追踪夜间心电图级别的静息心率,心跳间隔和心率变异性。 两者都不会持续跟踪心脏。
2. 活动追踪
motiv戒指可以追踪活动分钟数,消耗的卡路里,活动类型和步数。 相比之下,oura戒指追踪运动,日常强度,长度,活动时间和不活动时间。
3. 睡眠追踪
4. 温度和呼吸追踪
motiv戒指不会追踪温度和呼吸,而oura会。 这是可能使您对其中一种选择产生兴趣的重大区别之一。
5. 可用性
您可以随时订购motiv戒指,因为它们始终可用。 您可以去他们的网站或亚马逊订购戒指。
与此同时,oura戒指基于预订的方式运作。 因此,在预订戒指之后,您应该等待几个月才能获得它。
2015年launch festival上的oura戒指。 oura戒指是一种智能戒指设备,具有先进的技术,可以准确追踪睡眠和其他活动。
©jyri engestrom(jyri)/ cc by 2.0,flickr – license
- motiv戒指采用钛制简约和运动设计。 它的价格是199美元,比oura戒指便宜得多。
- oura戒指的价格根据您选择的颜色/变体而有所不同,从299美元到999美元不等。 此外,为了使用其所有功能,您还需要支付每月5.99美元。
- motiv戒指具有安全功能,而oura戒指不提供此安全选项。
- oura戒指具有先进的睡眠监测技术,可以监测每个睡眠阶段,而motiv戒指不提供此技术。
- motiv和oura戒指都是防水的,但是在不同的距离下。
- oura戒指的电池寿命和数据存储空间比motiv戒指更长。
- motiv戒指有七种尺寸,而oura戒指有八种。
- oura戒指比motiv戒指具有更高级的功能。
- oura戒指成立于芬兰,专注于改善我们生活方式。
- motiv戒指成立于2013年,位于旧金山湾区。
oura戒指与motiv戒指:哪个更好? 应该选择哪一个?
两种设备都可以测量睡眠质量和活动(以及其他几个生物测量数据),但oura更进一步。 它还可以追踪不同的生物测量规格,并在每天晚上监测您的睡眠,而motiv戒指仅在白天追踪您的生命体征。
但是,如果您想以实惠的价格追踪您的睡眠和活动,那么motiv戒指是最佳选择。 它具有出色的安全功能和简洁大方的设计。 我还推荐购买这款戒指,因为您可以完全访问所有功能并一次性购买。