- edward a. oates是一位美国商人、软件工程师、企业家和音乐家。
- oates在圣何塞州立大学获得数学学士学位。
- oates、miner和ellison一起离开了ampex,并凑集了2000美元用于他们的创业想法,即软件开发实验室。
ed oates是谁?
edward a. oates,1946年出生,是一位美国商人、软件工程师、企业家和音乐家。他与bob miner和larry ellison一起共同创办了oracle corporation,最初被称为software development labs。
- 全名
- ed oates
- 净值
- na
- 子女
- 三个,姓名不详
- 国籍
- 美国人
- 出生地
- 加利福尼亚
- 专业领域
- [“数学”,”计算机科学”,”音乐”,”软件工程”]
- 机构
- 圣何塞州立大学, memorex, ampex, oracle, audible difference
- 贡献
- oracle数据库的共同创作者,首批商业上成功的关系数据库管理系统之一
oates与另一位美国商人、技术专家和新兴企业家larry ellison以及杰出的程序员bob miner一起在ampex参与了cia的数据库项目。显然,该项目是机密的,所以了解的不多,除了这个软件被称为oracle,但它从未真正完成。
在20世纪70年代末,当他翻阅ibm的《研究与开发杂志》时,他注意到了计算机科学家edgar f. codd于1970年撰写的一篇研究论文。这篇论文名为“关于大型共享数据库的关系模型”,讨论了如何构建可靠的关系数据库管理系统(rdbms)的开创性思想。
他把论文展示给了miner和ellison,他们一起意识到自从发表以来,codd的想法从未商业化。据他们所知,甚至没有人在努力实现这个模型的潜力。ed oates,bob miner和larry ellison立即看到了一个新软件公司的潜在市场,但他们可能没有意识到他们即将改变商业计算世界。
oates,miner和ellison一起离开了ampex,并筹集了2000美元作为创业想法的资金,其中1200美元来自ellison。他们将新公司命名为“software development labs”。
software development labs的团队将他们的数据库程序命名为“oracle”,这是他们在ampex共同参与的失败数据库项目的代号。当他们在1978年完成了一个测试版本时,中央情报局成为他们的第一个买家,甚至在商业发布之前。
1979年,software development labs将他们的名称改为relational software inc.并发货了第一份商业就绪的程序副本。他们将其称为“version two”,跳过“version one”,因为他们认为这个名称听起来对客户来说太有错误了。毫不奇怪,对于这个精通政府的三人组来说,这第一个副本被卖给了wright-patterson空军基地。
1982年,他们进行了另一次营销改头换面,将公司的名称改为oracle systems corporation。他们希望这将有助于将他们公司与oracle数据库的不断成功联系起来。
1983年,他们发布了oracle的第二个版本,version three。这是第一个适用于32位计算机的关系数据库管理系统(rdbms)。它是用c语言编写的,而不是他们之前版本中使用的汇编语言。这证明是一个天才的举动,因为c是与市场上大多数操作系统最兼容的计算机语言。这意味着更多的公司可以使用oracle数据库。
基于c的version three取得了巨大成功。他们在1986年进行了首次公开募股,仅在sun microsystems之后的8天,比microsoft早一天。oracle股票开盘价为15美元,比初始价值高出三分之一。
1994年,oracle的联合创始人和高级程序员bob miner死于癌症。两年后,ed oates宣布计划从公司退休。
audible difference
oates began his post-oracle life by buying audible difference, a san francisco supplier of high-quality home entertainment systems focused on high-end audio design, engineering and home integration. oates sold his cutting-edge systems to high-profile clients like steve jobs and oracle co-founder larry ellison.
in 1999, oates sold audible difference to cello technologies, becoming one of cello’s largest shareholders.
other projects
following his passion for music, in 2018, oates co-founded rock your business, an entertainment company that helped contract famous musicians and bands for commercial events. he later started his own rock band, choc’d, and still tours with them as a guitarist.
oates also has a passion for science education and sits on the san francisco zoological society’s board of directors.
what did ed oates invent?
co-creator of oracle database
although oates and oracle didn’t exactly invent relational databases, they did create one of the first successful commercial versions that worked on a large scale. theirs caught on where others didn’t due to two relatively small layers they added to their software to make it more universal than their competitors.
when designing the first version of oracle, they had two goals in mind. the first goal was to transform the way people processed data. the second goal was to create a program that could run on many different types of computers.
at the time, most software was created for ibm mainframes but was incompatible with other machines that had different operating systems or instruction sets. to get around this, oates and miner added a layer to their program that was capable of translating hardware instructions to and from all kinds of computers and operating systems. this gave oracle database its first leg up over the competition.
the last piece in the universality puzzle was to find a way to make oracle capable of communicating between incompatible machines running the software. they added another layer to isolate the communication protocol and make it agnostic. that meant that it wasn’t restricted to talking with machines that used tcp/ip, netbios or ibm 3270 but could quickly and viably exchange data with all of them without compromising performance.
these two simple ideas made oracle the database of choice for any business, organization or human who needed to network with any other entity using any computer or operating system that was previously incompatible with theirs.
ed oates: marriage and personal life
net worth
although we couldn’t find any public disclosure of oates’ net worth, we know he endowed a scholarship to san jose state university in 2009 to the tune of just under $1 million and listed his mansion for sale for $12 million in 2019.
ed oates has never been much of a public figure, so not much is known about his personal life and family. we found a 2018 interview from the jennylyn show on kmvt, a silicon valley community media channel, where oates talks for a few minutes about his family in general terms.
关于奥茨的家庭生活,我们了解得不多,但似乎他有三个孩子。奥茨说他的儿子从2018年开始在oculus facebook工作。他的大女儿曾经是一名律师,后来成为了一名全职母亲和家庭主妇。他的二女儿正在德拉华大学攻读化学工程博士学位。
• “拉里带来了胆识。鲍勃·米纳带来了技术妙术。项目管理和对计算机核心工作原理的了解,那是我的工作。”
• “我们没有商业头脑。我们不是市场人员。我们不是销售人员。除了一点项目管理,我们无法运作一个大型组织。我们必须学习。”