- tesla备受期待的cybertruck将于2024年上市,和其他卡车一样,它将很重。它还将防弹,宽敞,适合露营旅行等等。
- 我们的总体最佳选择是cooper discoverer at3 4s轮胎,其侧壁上有一个3pmsf(三峰山雪花)标志,并配备了65000英里或六年的性能保修。
- 适合预算的最佳选择是kumho crugen ht51轮胎,其侧壁上有一个3pmsf标志,并配有两根入口钢带,以增强控制和坚硬度,提供70000英里或六年的性能保修。
- continental terraincontact h/t能够提供增强的制动和稳定性,以在处理重物时提供平衡。它使用抗芯片材料组合,确保噪音污染最小,从而为您提供美妙的驾驶体验。
- 总体最佳: cooper discoverer at3 4s
- 总体最佳(亚军): michelin defender ltx m/s
- 预算最佳: kumho crugen ht51
- 最佳全地形: bf goodrich all-terrain t/a k02
- 最适合平稳静音驾驶: continental terraincontact h/t
总体最佳: cooper discoverer at3 4s
cooper discoverer at3 4s all-season 265/70r17 115t tire
- 全地形、全季节/恶劣天气轮胎
- 65000英里的胎面磨损保修期
- 在最恶劣的天气,无论是崎岖还是光滑的表面上,都能抓紧地面
- 在公路上的舒适感和越野耐久性
- 在湿滑路面上的最大抓地力和操控性
由于其多样的功能,这款轮胎在舒适性和容量方面是一个极佳的选择。带有起始价格174美元的cooper discoverer at3 4s是一款适用于越野和高速公路驾驶的全季节轮胎。它能够在干燥、湿润或多雪的地形上表现出色,并提供卡车稳定性。
作为在恶劣雪地条件下性能的指示,cooper discoverer at3 4s轮胎的侧壁上有一个3pmsf(三峰雪花)标志。cooper discoverer at3 4s轮胎还附带有65,000英里或六年的性能保修。
在亚马逊上查看cooper discoverer at3 4s。
最佳整体表现(亚军):michelin defender ltx m/s
michelin defender ltx m/s全季轮胎,适用于轻型卡车、suv和交叉型车辆,lt285/75r16/e 126/123r
- 适用于轻型卡车、suv和交叉型车辆的径向轿车轮胎,设计用于全季节使用;在湿滑路面上提供出色的抓地力,缩短制动距离
- michelin evertread化合物提供的使用寿命在恶劣条件下比其前身长10%
- 降低了水滑险-与主要竞争对手相比,在湿滑路面上具有出色的抓地力和在雪地上更好的牵引力
- 节油环保-采用michelin maxtouch结构,可节省高达65加仑的燃料
- 70,000英里制造商的花纹磨损有限保修期;6年标准有限保修期;lt285/75r16/e 126/123r
以146美元的起始价格,michelin defender ltx m/s因其在湿地和干燥地形上的出色性能以及平稳静音的行驶而受到专业人士的高度评价。这款轮胎也能在轻度积雪中表现良好。
在亚马逊上查看michelin defender ltx m/s。
预算最佳选择:kumho crugen ht51
kumho crugen ht51全季节轮胎- 265/50r20 111t
- 产品类型:轮胎
- 包装尺寸:30.5英寸长 x30.5英寸宽 x10.9英寸高
- 原产地:韩国
- 包装重量:37.9磅
kumho crugen ht51在能力和价格上都是最佳选择。以137美元的起始价格,kumho crugen ht51在任何天气条件下都能提供出色的性能,同时确保舒适的行驶。
像科普洛发现者at3 4s一样,kumho crugen ht51的侧壁上有一个3pmsf符号,显示其在严寒雪地条件下的良好性能。轮胎有两个内部钢带,以增强其控制和坚固性,带有70000英里或六年的性能保修。
在亚马逊上查看kumho crugen ht51。
最佳全地形: bf goodrich all-terrain t/a k02
bfgoodrich all-terrain t/a ko2 all-terrain radial tire – lt265/75r16 123e
- 123 载荷指数。20% 更坚固的侧壁,采用 coregard 技术
- 最大载荷 lb 3415
- 最大 psi 80
- 山上雪花认证
价格为178美元的bf goodrich all-terrain t/a k02 提供最佳越野性能。该轮胎由能够承受破碎碎片和切口的材料组合制成,增强了其在铺设道路上的耐久性。
除了出色的越野性能外,bf goodrich all-terrain t/a k02还能确保在高速公路上舒适驾驶,无论天气条件如何。此外,这些轮胎还附带70000英里或六年的性能保修。
在亚马逊上查看bf goodrich all-terrain t/a k02。
最适合平稳和安静驾驶的轮胎: continental terraincontact h/t
continental terrain contact h/t all-season radial tire-245/60r18 105t
- 季节:全年
- 尺寸:245/60r18
- 轮毂尺寸:18 英寸
- 断面宽度:245 毫米
- 轮胎纵横比:60.0
- 载荷指数:105.0
- 速度等级:t
- 载荷能力:2039 磅
- 胎面深度:12 32nds
价格为192美元起,continental terraincontact h/t 可以在任何路况下提供出色的性能,同时保持平稳安静的驾驶。它使用抗划伤材料组合,确保噪音污染最小,为您提供美妙的驾驶体验。
continental terraincontact h/t采用独特的橡胶复合物设计,确保增强的刹车和稳定性,提供平衡,特别是在处理重物时。这些轮胎附带70000英里或六年的性能保修。
在亚马逊上查看continental terraincontact h/t。
- 尺寸
- 雪地性能
- 耐用性
- 高速公路性能
- 花纹设计
- 材料
the body of the cybertruck is bulletproof, so you don’t want to get your tires punctured. that’s why a tire with solid sidewalls is necessary.
highway performance
the cybertruck, designed for both off-road and highway use, should be able to adapt easily to any driving conditions, ensuring a safe and speedy passage.
tread pattern
it’s the first thing you should look for when buying a tire. the tread pattern will tell you if the tire is compatible with your cybertruck.
many types of tires have been developed for the cybertruck, but the most common tire comes with a solid rubber material. this is because it’s more durable and can handle more weight than a tire composed of fabric. it’s also resistant to sharp objects such as nails and rocks.
the cybertruck has four wheels and a single front-mounted drive shaft that connects them. the rear wheels are connected by a differential, which allows them to spin at different speeds when turning. the entire vehicle is powered by an electric motor connected to the rear axle via gears or chains.
the main advantage of this design is that it allows you to move around without having to worry about getting stuck or spinning out while turning corners. you can even back up without worrying about getting stuck in the mud or snow!
designed for endurance and strength, tesla cybertruck will have tough exoskeleton made from stainless rolled stainless steel.
©mike mareen/shutterstock.com
what to know before buying the best tires for the cybertruck
before buying the best tire for your cybertruck, you should first read the tire’s sidewall, because it lets you know some key details regarding the selection process. for example, a tire suited for a passenger car will have a “p” at the beginning of the number code on the side wall. an “lt” at the beginning signifies a light truck.
the number following would indicate the tread width, measured in millimeters, then the height percentage of the sidewall width. next, we see the rim diameter, load index, and speed rating. the information displayed on your tire sidewall is what helps you to know all the necessary details.
using the best tires for the cybertruck: what it’s like
using the best tires for the cybertruck ensures efficiency, stability, and comfort while driving. the tire’s ability to properly sync with the cybertruck makes driving all the more fun. with features that support highway driving, rough or smooth terrain, winter or summer, the best tires for the cybertruck enhance the already excellent performance of the cybertruck.
therefore, you can enjoy driving on a slippery, obstacle-trodden, and snowy path without fear of ruining your journey. to have the best experience with your cybertruck, you need a good and sturdy tire. having gone through this article, you can choose any of the best tires for the cybertruck that suit your taste and budget.